Hello Loves!
So it's been about a month and a half since our last personal life "update".
I've been receiving lots of messages dying for another update so here it is!
Lets see, where to start?
Well the baby shower was on November 26th.
It was a lovely 6+ hours with both of our fams, 40 of Alex's friends.. and lots and lots of food.
Here are some snapshots from the event, some from iphones.. some from dslrs.
Like the decorations? I decided to pick out a bunch of girl monkey things.

As you can see, Alex typically goes by "Monkey". I'm not used to calling him Alex to be honest.
All of his family & friends call him Monkey so that's how I was introduced to him!
Thus why the banner says Monkey hehe.
I was pretty proud of how well the "do it yourself" sticker banner came out.
Cupcakes by my sister & her friends.

And we played games... a fun one was the guess how wide the mama to be is.
As you can see here. (Monkey's little brother, who isn't really that little is behind me in the red shirt)
Overall lots of gifts, love and fun.
Moving onto the next update.
We moved into our new apartment December 8th.
Been here for almost three weeks now.
I've always been a big fan of apartment life, no clue why.
Since it's a 3 bedroom, 2 bath... we rented out one of the rooms to Monkey's cousin Lynn (from my Dec Favs video) and her boyfriend who is also named Alex. IRONIC I KNOW.
The other bedroom is used as a office/recording studio/get ready room/closet for me.
I know a lot of you will be surprised that there isn't a nursey.
Well, honestly... I was raised without a nursury, so was Monkey... and 90% of my other friends lol
Just doesn't seem needed for us personally right now.
Regardless we'd have to get up and walk across the hall to care to Ayva.
Regardless we'd have to get up and walk across the hall to care to Ayva.
Might as well have her crib in the master bedroom with us!
Most asian families from my knowledge don't usually have nurseries.
My crib was next to my parent's bed lol
Yes I know I miss out on all the decorations but it's a lot less stress and a lot more convenient.
She is going to share the closet in the master bedroom with daddy (dressers at the bottom) and that is why mommy gets the studio closet to herself =P same size.
I'd love to show you all how everything is once we have everything organized and such. The apartment is far from done. These things take time!
It's livable and all and decently organized but it's not internet ready! lol
Be patient about that, I promise an amazing mtv cribs-like video tour once it is at that point.
One day after move in, our precious new pet addition arrived.
(He is actually sitting next to me right now :D)
FACT: He is 100% not a puppy mill dog for those that are are even contemplating that. He is AKC certified and all that good stuff. He came from a very well known and highly recommended breeder and was in perfect health according to our vet the day after he arrived.
His name is Momo and he is my dream dog I've wanted since I was maybe... 5.
Currently he is 11 weeks old. He arrived at 8 weeks so most pictures are somewhere between there and now.
He is a purebreed cream Chow Chow puppy with the most amazing grey eyes that literally take your breathaway.

He's a sweetheart... learned how to sit, paw and fetch within the first few days of arriving.
Luckily chows are pretty easy to potty trained too!
Chows have bad reputations but honestly just like any other dog.. it's all about how you raise and train them.
He's 100% a mama's boy. Loves to cuddle, lay on my feet, be held like a baby.... watch me cook & clean.
Pretty much just stalk me lol but he is also really good with vistors and loves the attention.
He gets waaaay too much attention when we take him to pet stores.
People line up to play with him! Plus since he is still small he likes to ride in the small shopping carts and everyone can't resist. See?
He is gaining about a pound a week... He is around 16lbs now and he will grow to be at least 45lbs-70lbs.
Chows are big dogs! So if your wanting one.. make sure your aware of that!
I looooveeee him. And so does Monkey, Alex & Lynn.
Momo bear keeps me busy but for the most part we have a routine now a days.
P.S The bunnies & momo get along fine... they don't hang out but they don't growl or care much for each other. They co-exist perfectly fine!
Last but not least... AYVA TIME!!

(I found this cute bib randomly at a store so I figured... I had to have it lol)
I'm currently around 34 weeks! 8.5 months down.
Technically.. one more day till 34 but regardless, final stretch!
6 weeks to go... specifically 43 more days if I make it to full term (40 weeks).
I have a feeling I'll deliver between 36-38. So it seems a lot closer! 2-3 more weeks.
CRAAAAZY how time flies!!!!
Who is excited?! Raise your hands! hehe.
Here is a recent 3d/4d pic of Ayva from yesterday.

Supposedly they can tell that she has a good amount of hair. YAY!
It was adorable/strange watching her nibble on her cord during our ultrasound session.
Looks more and more like daddy everyday!
She is in perfect health, head down like she should be.
Which was a big relief because I was told she might not turn because of my small body.
Gave her less room to play.
My belly appears almost exactly the same as my last update!
Pretty much how it looks in the baby shower pics up there ^^.
I'm weighing in at 105lbs now so I've gained a decent amount.
Under high watch from everyone around me including docs because they said I have a high chance of early labor due to size so I need to "take it easy".
Which to Monkey means... don't move at all! lol
Still having on and off back pain which is bearable. The sporadic sharp leg pains/cramps suck though... I wish it was one of the third trimester symptoms I could have skipped.
No stretch marks (battle scars) to report yet!
I'm excited to see her. Monkey is very impatient!
I also can't wait to get my hand of a dozen raw oysters and a plate of salmon sashimi after I give birth. *tummy growl*
Her clothes are all washed, folded and ready...(bibs and wash clothes too).
We have enough diappers and wipes stocked up to last us... at least 6 months lol
& enough gift cards to babiesrus to buy even more afterwards.
All and all.. good to go!
I really wanted to showcase some amazing gifts that a lovely subbie named Kim (@xoSTYLISTICkiss on twitter) sent to me as a surprise for the holidays. Literally just came a day ago and the thought and care that she put in this package made me almost speechless. Almost being the keyword, I kept screaming.. "AWWWW".
Everything is so cute and seems to be custom or handmade!
I can't thank Kim enough for her kindness and I must say... it's amazing how she knows me so well!
I remember saying how badly I wanted but couldn't find a Domo Bib!
Now my search is over :D


Custom made burp clothes & onsie.

A cute shea butter cinnamon bun with Ayva's name :)
An awesome stylish Domo Purse & Tokidoki Palette. (My first tokidoki thing.. ever!)
Thank you again Kim! You really know how to brighten a sick girl's day up.
& thank you all for the check up messages, support and concern :)
We've been doing well!
I have a feeling Ayva will be here by the end of January though she is due 2/10.
Any specific predications?
Aside from all of the excitement...
I've been sick as a dog for the past week.
Actually the whole apartment is... All four of us sound horrible!!!
I am the only one who can't take meds =/
So I sound 3x as bad. Tea, honey & lemon... 24/7!!
I can't shake this cough at all.... grrrr.
Send healthy vibes my way!!
Until next time!
All that food looks so good and that Domo bag is cute! Good luck and I wish you a smooth last couple weeks of your pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteOh my! Chow chows have been my favorite kind of dog as well but I've heard from Animal Planet, LOL & my friend who used to have one that they can get really aggressive towards other people because they're really loyal to their owners... but I hope yours turn out nicer than the ones I've seen on TV, hehe.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I love watching your youtube videos, please keep it up!!
The decorations were super cute! Wishing you the best, Sam!
Hi. I'm sorry I've been MIA. My work has occupied my life in the last two weeks. I will detail it in a letter I will be sending your way next week!!!
CONGRATS on all the amazing things you've experienced this year. Take good care of yourself and the little one.
Also your dog is adorable.
ReplyDeleteNOOOOOOOOOO YOU DID NOT JUST GET MY ABSOLUTE DREAM DOG EVER!!! T___T; omg you don't even understand how jealous I am right now. He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I've been dreaming of eventually owning a cream colored chow chow male since I was 8 years old or something. Ughh <3 It makes me SUPER happy to see that you got him from a recognized breeder. I'm really sick of people buying from creepy, shady puppy-mills saying that "oh but at least I saved a puppy" - oh hell no you didn't save shiz. You fed the factory owner's business, supplying him with confirmation that what he's doing is a good idea. And it's disgusting. I give you mad props for actually looking into good, professional breeders! And god.. he's so fucking cute! (excuse the swearing)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you had the baby shower already! You look so healthy and glowy lately. : D Beautiful as always! I'm excited to see the new apartment and the baby, when she comes eventually. Good luck with everything! MUCH LOVE <3
hope you feel better sam!! the food looks so yummy and your puppy is ssooooo cute!! Ive always wanted a small dog but after seeing yours i want a chow! i dont care if its big its soo cute! haha
ReplyDeleteEverything is so beautiful <3
Awww Momo is so cute & fluffy ^^ ! My next door neighbor owns a chow chow also and well he is pretty big and adorable; he chases his tail around whenever i go outside haha. !
ReplyDeleteI can see Ayva is getting one of your features; your lips :) ! If im correct :3 1 more month to go :) I cant wait to see Ayva !
Oh my goodness Sam, I still can't believe it! Congratulations! I've been following your blog silently since... I can't remember when actually and when I saw the first post like this I thought it was something bad, but I'm really happy for you. I've continued to follow quietly, but I'd like to wish you all the best!
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be a great feeling being a mom with a loving (soon to be) husband and very caring families surrounding you, and especially friends too. You're such a lucky girl! I hope all goes well with the delivery and such. It's amazing that you stayed so tiny still haha. Again Congratulations, it's really a wonderful thing that you have going and growing inside of you.
Love from Sunny Barbados,
AHHHHHHHH! Sam! First of all that dog is SO DAMN ADORABLE. CAN I BORROW HIM?!?!?!? (sorry, i might not return him after i do. LOL) Second of all, I am so excited for you and your family with this new addition to the fam!!!!!!!! ^.^ You are going to have a great new year!!! :D
ReplyDeleteOh Sam, I am so harry to hear all the good things happening in yourlife, a loving family, a baby on yoru way and a pet family adittion. Everything sounds really good, congratulations for the baby girl! The baby shower looked amazing! So happy to hear you so happy! Keep enjoying those beautiful moments! husgs!
ReplyDeleteOmg, the party sounded like it was a lot of fun. The cupcakes, the decorations.. everything was so nice and pretty. I love your dog. Wish we had them here, I would definitely play and get one for myself. Cutest early baby pictures ever! Have a good New Year's ! xx
ReplyDeleteaww momo's so cute. I used to own a chow up until he was 14 then he passed away of old age. They're one of the most loyal dogs you could ever find although they are a bit stubborn. And Feel better soon!!!! :) *sends healthy vibes*
ReplyDeleteSo glad everything great! You should have considered cloth diapering. That's what my boyfriend and I are doing and it's been a lot easier than I expected (my baby is 4+ months now). I'm so jealous of your grand baby shower! lol. My was very small and low-key. My baby has a nursery of her own (we have a 2 bedroom apartment) but she's yet to sleep in it yet. Her crib is in our room and just before she turned 4 months started sleeping in it. (Yes, yes, she slept in the bed with us, I know. But she cried every time she was by herself and with breastfeeding it was just easier for her to be with me! lol) She's adjusted pretty well to getting off the breast and into her crib, though.
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute puppy, too! Very jealous! I've got two crazy cats myself.
<3 Take care!
you will probably never get a chance to read this,
ReplyDeletebut still i had to tell you thank you for the lastest blog about your up coming baby.
i am too only 18 and will be newly turned 19 when my baby arrives.
it is nice to see some stand up and say hey i am not too young.
i thought i was alone in this cause no i am not the 16 teen in pregnant spoiled rich kid.
thank you for making me realize i am not alone in this.
i wish you a healthy and happy birth and baby.
Ellie, I read all of my comments! I wish you the same health & happiness. Take care :) <3
ReplyDeleteI've seen many of your beauty videos on youtube, and I absolutely enjoy watching you! So just now I read about your pregnancy! I'm all late! haha. I was super confused and surprised at first.
ReplyDeleteBut really, I am totally happy for you. You're so lucky you have the love and support of your family, and that you're more independent now (with an apartment and whatnot!).
You've inspired me. Because for one, you're able to keep up with so many things and you're only 19!!! You work, you blog, you youtube, you're gonna be a mom, and you go to school.
I'm 20, and I can only keep up with college!! Seriously, you're amazing!! You're gonna be an awesome mom! I know it. :) I wish you the best these coming weeks and you'll be in my prayers! Take care Sam!
How funny, my due date was Febraury 10th as well! I gave birth a few days early.
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